Vildbjerg Cup 2025
Fodboldglade drenge og piger fra danske og udenlandske klubber indbydes for 45. gang til at deltage i Danmarks vel nok mest traditionsrige fodboldstævne og samtidig et af Europas største fodboldturneringer for ungdom.
Vildbjerg Cup er en oplagt optakt til den nye sæson. Vi udbyder i 2025 hele 45 forskellige spillerækker og har niveauopdeling i aldersgrupperne for at sikre fair og jævnbyrdige kampe. Vildbjerg Cup giver dermed også mulighed for at alle klubbens ungdomsfodboldspillere kan deltage i stævnet. Der spilles på 44 fremragende græsbaner beliggende omkring Vildbjerg Sports- og Kulturcenter, som udgør den unikke ramme til afvikling af de ca. 2.000 fodboldkampe fordelt på fire dage

Accommodation and meals
Players and coaches/leaders are accommodated in schools and gymnasiums or stay in tents and caravans at the camp site. Many families chose to take the opportunity to share the interest for football together with their children by supporting them in the playing fields and enjoy the nice atmosphere at the camp site or stay at nearby hotels.
Meals are served in Vildbjerg Stadionhal and the nice and healthy food has been prepared by Vildbjerg Sports- og Kulturcenter and Hotel Vildbjerg.
A lot of football and fun activities!
Every day during the tournament Hummel, Sport 24 and Carlsberg Sport offers various competitions and events on the event site and around the football fields. Technica Football offers fun football technical challenges at Technica Arena and on Friday and Saturday we arrange Hop & Rul playland for the smaller children as well as a free open-air disco behind Stadionhallen. Saturday night ends with a giant fireworks display.
Upon arrival each participant receive a bespoke Hummel Vildbjerg Cup T-shirt and the winners of A- and B-finals really have something to look forward to. Medals, trophy and high quality sports clothes worth approx. € 400.000!
Vi håber rigtig mange klubber vil give deres ungdomsspillere en oplevelse ud over det sædvanlige og tilmelde sig Vildbjerg Cup 2025. Vi glæder os i hvert fald til at byde alle hjerteligt velkommen til fire festlige og fornøjelige fodbolddage!
Kind regards,
The Vildbjerg Cup team